onsdag 26 september 2012

Lockie's Diary

Have you ever known how it is to be a dog? Well, I can tell you that it is not a good thing to be. I would never like to be a dog in my next life, if I'm even allowed to get a second. Right now I feel like a big barking dog, without love from its master. With that I mean my mom. She is not happy at all since I've forgotten to put up this sign for my and Egg's meeting for the river. After she baked some disgusting cakes she wanted me to help her so she didn't have to go up on a chair, because she always hurts herself then. But of cource I had planned to meet Dot at the windfarm by then. When I finally got there she didn't show up. All sad and miserable I bicyced home and found Philip, Egg and Mum. I had totally forgotten about the meeting, which had gone really bad with just two visitors, and then I felt so ashamed so I escaped. Or at least it felt like I was escaping. Well, the sea and the waves were as good as they always are because they never ask me anything. When I'am on my surfingboard I'm feeling so free.

But still I have to make up for Mum and Egg, and after that I have the big question about Vicki or Dot left. So, dear diary, I really feel lika a big barking dog! Please help me.

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